As we continue to look for ways to save $$$ without changing our lifestyle I decided that it is high time we start gardening. Our family loves veggies, broccoli, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, onions, which are just a few of many. And all of which we can plant in our very on small area in our backyard while teaching our four kiddo's all about how things grow.
We decided to use raised planters. While I am sure there are many good reasons to use raised beds, mine are all about aesthetics. Yes I am trying to "decorate" the backyard, lol. We made the raised planter beds following Ana White plans. It was super simple and a great starter project for us.
We did all of this in late July, with the serious purpose of getting them filled with dirt and starting our garden then. Yeah, if you know anything about gardening, our timing was way off. We were too late to start anything we wanted to plant.
Now as we approach the last frost of the season we are filling up the beds with soil. Draining the rain barrel for some fresh water, which was built last summer also. Getting ready to embark on an unknown journey. I am excited about it, while it's a lot of work, I am seriously looking forward to eating the fruits of my labor.
I will keep you posted on what we do, how we do it, what we learn, and if we get anything to grow.
Frugal B
Saving while living = Frugal B.
March 18, 2013
February 7, 2013
Super Bowl Chili ~ Not just for game day
During my last stint working we made a conscious effort to continue to cook at home for as many meals as possible. See, we had a glimpse of how much $$ we spent eating out when I was home and did not have that luxury. So during that time we wanted to keep as many of the good habits we had formed that helped us live the less luxurious life in style, like eating good meals at home.
Just like most families out there we ate out because of time constraints. But with a little planning and easy recipes we managed to eat at home most of the time. One of our go to meals was Chili. It was quick, easily adaptable to what we had on hand, and was always made in the Crock Pot.
I recently had a mommy and me gathering at my house. It was supposed to be a mid morning gathering with snacks and coffee. But due to weather the schools in our area started late that day. This pushed back the time for our get together. Which for me meant changing my plans from coffee and donuts to serving a light lunch, on short notice.
So I went with a no fail easy chili for adults and hot dogs for the kids. The bonus was there was leftovers for dinner.
8 oz - Black Beans or Kidney Bean (or 4 cans of beans)
2 14 oz cans of chili seasoned tomatios
1 can of corn
2 Diced Carrots
1 medium sweet onion
1 pack or chili seasoning
1 tsp Cummin
Meat of Choice (I use left over baked chicken)
Place the above ingredients in your crock pot and cook on LOW for 6 hours, or High for 3.
In the summer I still cook chili, but add squash, zucchini, yellow peppers, and orange peppers . My husband says that it isn't chili with all that stuff in it, but I say if you add chili seasoning it's chili.
I hope this works for you
Just like most families out there we ate out because of time constraints. But with a little planning and easy recipes we managed to eat at home most of the time. One of our go to meals was Chili. It was quick, easily adaptable to what we had on hand, and was always made in the Crock Pot.
I recently had a mommy and me gathering at my house. It was supposed to be a mid morning gathering with snacks and coffee. But due to weather the schools in our area started late that day. This pushed back the time for our get together. Which for me meant changing my plans from coffee and donuts to serving a light lunch, on short notice.
So I went with a no fail easy chili for adults and hot dogs for the kids. The bonus was there was leftovers for dinner.
8 oz - Black Beans or Kidney Bean (or 4 cans of beans)
2 14 oz cans of chili seasoned tomatios
1 can of corn
2 Diced Carrots
1 medium sweet onion
1 pack or chili seasoning
1 tsp Cummin
Meat of Choice (I use left over baked chicken)
In the summer I still cook chili, but add squash, zucchini, yellow peppers, and orange peppers . My husband says that it isn't chili with all that stuff in it, but I say if you add chili seasoning it's chili.
I hope this works for you
chili recipe,
frugal cooking
February 6, 2013
There she blows!!! We Rod husband extraordinaire got it all set up and put together on a very cold and windy Sunday afternoon. Right where I asked him to, never mind that we moved it a few times until I was satified (not really I just gave in).
You can see the future garden area from the end of the slide. The plan is to put in a small fence to keep little hands at bay.
I'll say it again, we WON!!!! The swing set was a gift from the Craigslist GOD'S.
frugal backyards,
Swing set
January 25, 2013
Thrill of the HUNT
I am still in awe of our new purchase. No it is not a new home built to my specks. Nor is it an awesome new van, yes van, with navigation two DVD players, and auto folding seat, oh and did I say new. It is a used swing set purchased off Craigslist for a steal, yes I feel like stole this baby. It was $50 bucks, um yeah, $50 bucks.
In April of last year I wrote a post, FrugalB How To, that outlined what being frugal meant to me. One small section was about hunting, where I mention Craigslist stalking.Which is what I did to score this baby. However I did not mention some of the challenges you may face when you are buying ala Craigslist. Most of which I faced here.
Craigslist is the best invention in this decade, in my opinion. It allows me to shop 24/7, haggle the price, and and be very specific about my thrifty/second hand hunt. No more shelping out Saturday morning with my fingers crossed that I find something, shoot anything, garage saleing. I can sit in the comfort of my home and just pick and choose what I want to inquire about.
I had been attempting to find a used in great condition swing set since baby number 2 came, that was 7 years ago. We did not have a truck or van but I was determined. However swing sets in my area are hard to come by. And when I did find something worth looking at it would be snatched up by another buyer before I can shoot them an email or text.
Approximately 2 weeks ago there was a perfect set in my town, up the street for $150. I responded to the ad 20 min after it was posted. We were ready with our truck (yeah), rope and bungee's. I just knew I was first. Well it was a no go, someone was picking it up at that very moment:( Boy was I sad. But it just gave me renewed hope that my $200 swing set budget was possible.
Well Monday, MLK holiday, I was again paroozing Craigslist for baby items, no new kids just a new venture, and I see the swing set above. The listing said "house sold and the swing set had to go, must haul, first come first served, $50, and there was a picture". Um, what, $50? This had to be a joke! Joke or no joke I shot the lister an email a few hours after it was posted, fingers crossed. Again a day late or and a dollar short, I was to late. She had sold it. I mourned my loss, yes full on grieving , and moved on.
Then I got an email at 11pm that said that the first person could not pick it up the following day and if I could it was mine. Done and done. I got hubby to meet me on his lunch break, canceled my plans, and we took that baby apart while my two youngest played in the listers yard. Yes I brought my babies, it was the only way I could make it happen. 2.5 hours after our arrival I was driving home with a full swing set in the bed of our truck, half put together!
Thanks honey for forgoing lunch to help ME!!!!! |
!!!I WIN!!!
Swing set
January 20, 2013
Buiding a SAHM Network
Last post I talked a little about my SAHM job/profession and how I have been able to make it quite enjoyable this time around (round #2). There was a time when I felt like I had chosen to be home bound and bored. Don't get me wrong, there is a ton to do, but it can get repetitive and lack the mental challenge that is sometimes needed to motivate me to continue on. I have a quite a few outlets that help me feel like a grown up this time.
My network consists of past coworkers, other mom's I have met during my kids events, and my gym rat associates. Most mom's have a similar (slight variances) avenues of potential networks to build from. The key here is that all relationships have potential,if YOU put in the effort. Put your self out there and invite someone over. You all can chat while the kids play. Go for a girls night, even if the budget it tight, walk around target and look at all the goodies with no kids in tow and finish up with a cup of coffee. Get in shape together, whether it is a group fitness class or getting together for a stroll. What is most important is the adult interaction and conversation.
There are also options for the one car families. One idea is to tag along with a friend a few times a month. I am sure that it can be humbling to ask a friend and fellow SAHM however I promise you the other mom will be so happy you asked, I know I would be. It is a chance to bond and you can return the favor in watching her kiddos for a few hours. Along with that the Internet is a glorious and remarkable avenue to keep in touch and reach out to like minded people. Blogs, like this one :), allow you to peak into the minds of other moms, and they let you comment (neat O). I have heard of many many friendships that start right here in blog land. Sherri from YHL and Katie from Bower Power did just that and are now besties (long distance).
You can also join a gym, while this activity is not free they often offer free childcare during the time you are working out. You can use this time to work out rigorously, clearing your mind and cleansing the sole. You can meet a friend and walk leisurely and chit chat kid free. Or you can take the fitness classes and have access to even more potential SAHM friends.
The SAHM blues are very contagious, but there is an antidote. Create your network and work at keeping it in place. Stay in touch with your new found friends and don't wait for them to ask you to hang out. I encourage you to put yourself out there.
My network consists of past coworkers, other mom's I have met during my kids events, and my gym rat associates. Most mom's have a similar (slight variances) avenues of potential networks to build from. The key here is that all relationships have potential,if YOU put in the effort. Put your self out there and invite someone over. You all can chat while the kids play. Go for a girls night, even if the budget it tight, walk around target and look at all the goodies with no kids in tow and finish up with a cup of coffee. Get in shape together, whether it is a group fitness class or getting together for a stroll. What is most important is the adult interaction and conversation.
There are also options for the one car families. One idea is to tag along with a friend a few times a month. I am sure that it can be humbling to ask a friend and fellow SAHM however I promise you the other mom will be so happy you asked, I know I would be. It is a chance to bond and you can return the favor in watching her kiddos for a few hours. Along with that the Internet is a glorious and remarkable avenue to keep in touch and reach out to like minded people. Blogs, like this one :), allow you to peak into the minds of other moms, and they let you comment (neat O). I have heard of many many friendships that start right here in blog land. Sherri from YHL and Katie from Bower Power did just that and are now besties (long distance).
You can also join a gym, while this activity is not free they often offer free childcare during the time you are working out. You can use this time to work out rigorously, clearing your mind and cleansing the sole. You can meet a friend and walk leisurely and chit chat kid free. Or you can take the fitness classes and have access to even more potential SAHM friends.
The SAHM blues are very contagious, but there is an antidote. Create your network and work at keeping it in place. Stay in touch with your new found friends and don't wait for them to ask you to hang out. I encourage you to put yourself out there.
Stay At Home Mom
January 15, 2013
Keeping the SAHM BLUES away
Yep, I have been home again, for a year, well almost on the 18th. And boy have we been busy, little Sy and I. My full time and 24/7 job is being a Stay At Home Mom, but we are far from home bound. I avoid the term, and feeling of being stuck in the house like the plague. It is a disease that can bring you down, literally you can easily turn the awesome opportunity of caring for your family into a very depressing situation. Here is how I keep away the SAHM blues.
We do tons and it does not all revolve around Sy's needs and wants. I learned the hard way the first time I was home, it is easy to lose yourself in your children's life and the needs of your home. This is actually something that working parents do also, get caught up in keeping the house running and get burned out. Not in the cards for the SAHM!
What I do have looming over me though (shoot many of us) is that we are on a single income and a serious budget. If I had unlimited funds at my disposal I doubt this would even be a topic that crossed my mind, but my family like many other SAHM's are far from the unlimited funds category.
So how do I over come such insurmountable (pardon my dramatics) obstacles? We work our network of friends (both Sy and I), we utilize our community resources, and last we stay home sometimes BY CHOICE!
I look at home making as a profession, just like those who work out of the home. As a SAHM it is easy to pull a 12/18 hour shift without realizing it. While it is commendable, it is just asking for burn out. On top of that more often than not many of my fellow professionals (I like calling us professionals) don't treat our non-traditional job as a "Profession". Just doing that will ease much of the pain. When our job is done without the same gusto you would have if you were being paid by some one else then the job it just drags on (hello 18 hour days).
Mys suggestion is to create a schedule, you can follow it loosely, make a meal plan (easier to stick to a budget), and build in rest time (breaks and lunches are a mandatory government regulation). You will be happier, especially with the last suggestion.
Below is my schedule, which I follow very loosely. But I am a professional and I show my family this by my commitment to them and myself. I lead by example and hold my team (I am the Chief Home Officer) accountable. Everyone plays a role in keeping this ship running and it starts with me.
This schedule holds me accountable and makes sure that I get down time. Most importantly is this is a Monday through Friday schedule. I do complete light cleaning on the weekend, but my job description (written by me) shows that I am off on Saturday and Sunday and I treat it as such. Just like any other professional, I care for my family, feed them and I might (strong might) wash clothes. But because during my work week I work with purpose, I get to enjoy my family on the weekend.
It is important to know that any profession change, whether that is traditional job, having your first baby, or adding a new baby to an existing family, there is going to an adjustment period and at various stages you will just be plain overwhelmed. That is so normal we have all been there.
For me my friends help me keep my sanity, working out is my therapy, and getting fresh air reminds me what life is about. These things are my safety net and catch me when I am down.
Free time while mommy cooks |
We do tons and it does not all revolve around Sy's needs and wants. I learned the hard way the first time I was home, it is easy to lose yourself in your children's life and the needs of your home. This is actually something that working parents do also, get caught up in keeping the house running and get burned out. Not in the cards for the SAHM!
What I do have looming over me though (shoot many of us) is that we are on a single income and a serious budget. If I had unlimited funds at my disposal I doubt this would even be a topic that crossed my mind, but my family like many other SAHM's are far from the unlimited funds category.
![]() |
Library craft (done wrong) Fun times |
So how do I over come such insurmountable (pardon my dramatics) obstacles? We work our network of friends (both Sy and I), we utilize our community resources, and last we stay home sometimes BY CHOICE!
I look at home making as a profession, just like those who work out of the home. As a SAHM it is easy to pull a 12/18 hour shift without realizing it. While it is commendable, it is just asking for burn out. On top of that more often than not many of my fellow professionals (I like calling us professionals) don't treat our non-traditional job as a "Profession". Just doing that will ease much of the pain. When our job is done without the same gusto you would have if you were being paid by some one else then the job it just drags on (hello 18 hour days).
Mys suggestion is to create a schedule, you can follow it loosely, make a meal plan (easier to stick to a budget), and build in rest time (breaks and lunches are a mandatory government regulation). You will be happier, especially with the last suggestion.
Below is my schedule, which I follow very loosely. But I am a professional and I show my family this by my commitment to them and myself. I lead by example and hold my team (I am the Chief Home Officer) accountable. Everyone plays a role in keeping this ship running and it starts with me.
6:20 am - Shower get dressed for next activity
6:40 am - Wake up all children (including those not in school)
Monitor morning hygiene/School preparations
6:50 am - Breakfast, most morning is a fend for your self activity
7:15 am - Big kids ride with dad to school
Make beds, gather laundry, clean kitchen (Symone indulges in a PBS)
8:00 am - Gym (Mon, Wed, Friday) Sticky Fingers Craft time (Symone Tue)
Meal Planning, Budgeting, Grocery shopping (Thur)
10:00 am -Free time - TV, Coffee, Blog hop, blog, stalk Facebook
Library Story and Craft (FREE) - Meet friends and chat while kiddos play
(one day a week chosen by who can meet me)
11:00 am - Lunch for BOTH of us/Clean up
12:00 pm - Sy naps and for the first hour I get laundry going and any other deep cleaning items
done and dinner started (most days). Something different every day.
The last hour is my FREE time!!!
2:30-4pm - Go get the big boys from school (school is in a different town)
4:00 pm - Homework, everyone gets homework, even Sy, and pre K Lawson. It might be coloring
but it keeps them busy as I help their brothers and finish dinner.
5:00 pm - Free time for kids (play outside, tv, friends over etc.). I get the table set
and the dishwasher empty.
6 - 6:30 pm - Sit down dinner
6:30 - 7 pm -Clean up time - KITCHEN CLOSED
Older boys clean the kitchen then take showers/I give little ones bath (FREE TIME)
Catch up with hubby, call friends and family
8:30 - 9 pm - All kids in bed
9 - 11pm - Watch TV Shows I am addicted to (Recorded)
11pm - Lights out (at least I try)
This schedule holds me accountable and makes sure that I get down time. Most importantly is this is a Monday through Friday schedule. I do complete light cleaning on the weekend, but my job description (written by me) shows that I am off on Saturday and Sunday and I treat it as such. Just like any other professional, I care for my family, feed them and I might (strong might) wash clothes. But because during my work week I work with purpose, I get to enjoy my family on the weekend.
It is important to know that any profession change, whether that is traditional job, having your first baby, or adding a new baby to an existing family, there is going to an adjustment period and at various stages you will just be plain overwhelmed. That is so normal we have all been there.
For me my friends help me keep my sanity, working out is my therapy, and getting fresh air reminds me what life is about. These things are my safety net and catch me when I am down.
Stay At Home Mom
January 11, 2013
Hiatus officially OVER
I'm off my self imposed impromptu hiatus! I thought about blogging many many times in the last year, but something always kept me from it. Parenting my four lovely children, being a wife, working full time, and attempting to be a good friend, blogging just got pushed down the list. In turn so did the crafting so there was not much to talk about. Good thing I live and breath being frugal so the lifestyle lives on!
Funny thing is I have been laid off for a year, yes a year, did I say a year. During which time my husband and I have toyed with the idea of me going back to work, even part time. But we have now decided, during our traditional New Years Eve "Talk", that me staying home is worth the budget cut. It opens so many more worth while opportunities for our family, too many to mention right now.
I am super excited about sharing again, so I will start with showing a few things that have happened over the last year.
Funny thing is I have been laid off for a year, yes a year, did I say a year. During which time my husband and I have toyed with the idea of me going back to work, even part time. But we have now decided, during our traditional New Years Eve "Talk", that me staying home is worth the budget cut. It opens so many more worth while opportunities for our family, too many to mention right now.
I am super excited about sharing again, so I will start with showing a few things that have happened over the last year.
Lawson Started Pre K! My number 3 kiddo is making a mark on the campus of NHA. He is loving being in school full time, most days. Insists on taking his lunch and picking out his own clothes everyday, they wear a uniform, LOL.
DIY Advent Calendar. I learned this year what they are actually for and its not to joyously celebrate each day leading up to Christmas, not at all. It there only to inform my kids that there are X days until they can open their presents, SO DON'T ASK ME AGAIN!
Symone Started Ballet. My number 4 kiddo, and the only girl started her first only me activity, Ballet.
Double Vanity in Kids Loo and Unconventional Towel Hanging
We Bought a Cost Saving Scooter, for dirt cheap!
DIY Fabric Covered Roller Shades
Total Master Bath Redo on a Budget
Start of a KID's art wall
A Ton of from Scratch Cooking
More updates on these things to Come, because as you know there is always a story behind it all!!
Blogging Break,
February 1, 2012
What's For Dinner
We have been having a blast with new dinner ideas. I have been putting in a lot of effort to introducing new recipes each week. This week we will be trying Chili Lime Pork Loin from Budget Bytes, the recipe and cooking directions are posted on her blog. *Hint - total cooking time 40 min, 3-5 min to pan sear, 30 min roasting, and 5 min resting (EASY!).
We will also have Roasted Potato Wedges with Shallots & Rosemary. See Recipe below.
- 2lb Potatoes (I used new potatoes)
- 6 Tbsp Olive Oil
- 2 Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
- 51/2 oz Baby Shallots
- 2 Garlic Cloves, Sliced
- Salt and Pepper
Have fun trying new recipes, I would love to hear about them, we are always looking for new things to introduce to the kiddos.
January 23, 2012
Change Equals Opportunity
I have not posted in some time, I have a ton of excuses, it boiled down to blogging was just about last on my to do list and I haven't been able to make it to the end of that list, until now. The new year brought more than just a chance for reflection and a time to set new goals. It was a life changing time for our family.
Until last week I was a full time mom who worked full time (not an easy task). Now I am a full time mom who works at home full time. While the decision was not mine, I along with others at the organization I worked at were down sized. Yes, reduction in force.
For many this situation could be extremely taxing, emotionally and financially. For us it is a change that will allow opportunity. Living Frugally has afforded us the freedom to choose our next step. We don't have to rush nor do we have to make dramatic changes to our lifestyle.
Don't get me wrong though we will be making changes. The first being moving blogging from the dreaded end of the to do list. Yes for those who read, I am back. I will continue to blog about frugal living and saving in style. However I think considering the recent unplanned change in our income I want to start sharing a bit more detail how we budget and plan for the unplanned. I am always compensating for the unknown.
I am looking forward to the rest of 2012 and what it has in store for us!
Until last week I was a full time mom who worked full time (not an easy task). Now I am a full time mom who works at home full time. While the decision was not mine, I along with others at the organization I worked at were down sized. Yes, reduction in force.
For many this situation could be extremely taxing, emotionally and financially. For us it is a change that will allow opportunity. Living Frugally has afforded us the freedom to choose our next step. We don't have to rush nor do we have to make dramatic changes to our lifestyle.
Don't get me wrong though we will be making changes. The first being moving blogging from the dreaded end of the to do list. Yes for those who read, I am back. I will continue to blog about frugal living and saving in style. However I think considering the recent unplanned change in our income I want to start sharing a bit more detail how we budget and plan for the unplanned. I am always compensating for the unknown.
I am looking forward to the rest of 2012 and what it has in store for us!
May 16, 2011
~FB Watch~
I post so infrequently because I get so caught up in looking at what everybody else is doing (sorry). So I thought this would help me post a little more often and share a little of what I like. What better way than a Frugal Blog Watch (FB Watch). I am not going to make empty promises like, this will be a weekly post. I can say I will share any and everything that moves me and of course that is FRUGAL!!
We are going to kick this "Infrequent" series off with PRUDENT BABY. What is more Frugal than a Prudent Mama! And you can't be more Frugal than FREE!

As you have seen I am really getting into this sewing thing! And to help me along I have added a couple (OK 25) of blogs based on sewing to my google reader. Well I have quite a few favorites but one that is at the top of my list is Prudent Baby.
Why do I just Love Prudent Baby? One word TUTORIALS! I am all about the how to. They have wonderful how to's and a zillion ideas! Not mentions their blog is very user friendly. So I thought I should share them with you!
Currently they are giving away a Brother Project Runway Limited Edition LB-6800PRW Sewing and Embroidery Machine. WOW!!!
Head over there and check them out!
Frugal Blog Watch
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