January 27, 2011

This or That or THAT or that

I have been coveting, all but salivating, over the pictures on some of my favorite blogs (Finding My Feet, Centsational Girl, Pioneer Woman). Now I have priced these babies for quite some time and just always felt that they were a luxury, especially since I don't really know much about camera's or taking a picture other than "point and shoot" (no pun intended). Well with my new blogging and my husbands nudge I have been seriously considering this large purchase.

As a history major research is definitely my forte, but I am light on the digital side. This means that as I researched I was having to look up the terms that others in the digital/electronical (yes that is a word) world used as everyday "you should know this terms". So this has been a very long process to get to our final decision.

Now as you can tell I am moved 90% by price. Hubby however is 100% moved by function (gadget guy). So we have been stalking Canon's and Nikon's and are finding that they are very similar to an untrained person. There are so many to choose from, many of them have the same functions and others do things I never dreamed of. So I am focusing on these items;

Cost (Got to get the biggest bang for my buck)
Handling (Ease of Use)
Stabilization (The lady at the camera store said it was important)
Shutter Speed (My babies are athletic)

I am sure that I should be looking for much more, but I got to start somewhere.

I will keep you posted with my findings.

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