I was super luckily to find this beauty on Craigslist. Like most of my Craigslist ventures I had to go off the beaten path.I went to an abandoned building, of course I was not alone,I had my loving sister with me to stave off evil doers (she is 5"2). We entered the building through a side door, the only way up was on an elevator that looked like it was out of order. My sister said we should turn around. Of course I was like, No Way, we have come too far from where we started from (Yes that is a song lyric). We took the elevator up only for the door to open into a dimly lit corridor. Again my sister said, ok now we should turn around. Of course I said wait here I will go to the the door way (about 20 steps) I see a light. I went to the door way and low and behold a 5 ft woman appears, I quickly said, I am here about the ad on Craigslist. She said yes it is back this way. I waived my sister to come on and we went to a small room where there sat the beauty below. 

She was gorgeous, well to me. She was 6 ft long, she had a formica top circa 1960 and she had eight legs that screamed file cabinet, I wanted her so bad. The ad asked for $50 which I would have shelled over easily, but you must barter at all times or you could be missing a "frugal moment". I asked her if she would take $40 she said yes. Now while I was haggling with the little woman (remember she is 5 ft) my sister screams, "this ain't happening". She said this thing weighs 500 lbs. I turned around, and at 5'11, and I am pretty strong, and I too struggled to get her off the ground. Well instead of turning around heading to my van, I asked the little lady for a $10 discount because I did not think we would be able to get this thing down the stairs unscathed. She said "I can give you $10 off cuz I can't help you".
My 5'2 sister and I shuffled the console down the dimly lit hallway, into an too short elevator (I held her up on my back) and down a set of steps that had off kilter risers. In the process we bent her legs (yes nearly broke them off) and I fell more than once. But I got her, and for $30, and there was only a small chance of lose of life.
Oh yeah did I mention we were on our 1 hour lunch break :)
lol Too funny!