February 24, 2011

What ? - Time !

I had every intention in the world to post 3 days a week. I thought that it would be simple to do a craft take a few pics, spill my guts about how to, how it went, and share the cost. Well, reality set in. Life kept moving at warp speed and I have found myself doing a lot of the same while preusing blogland wishing I was doing all of the wonderful crafts I was eyeing.

Well I am happy to say I will craft this weekend. So I am going to share what I "plan" on doing this weekend in hopes it will hold me accountable!!! Yay!

Crib Sheet - Tutorial from MADE

Tooth Fairy Pillow - Sew Mama Sew

(My Davis Lost His Tooth So I told him the tooth fairy will bring more if we make a pillow)

Pillow with Ties - Make it Love it

See you Monday& I hope I get it all done!!!

February 8, 2011

I want a, DSLR?

From Frugal B

I consider myself to be "Techy". I know about TVs, computers, car stereos, home theater systems cell phones..... But, there was one item I never researched, cared about, or even thought about....The Camera.

It all started with blogging. My wife, Mrs. Frugal B advised me she wanted to start blogging and take nice photos to place on her blog (we all know it's all about the pictures). I had no idea about the ins and outs of cameras, the aperture, shutter speed, and flash. I thought, just get a camera and "point and shoot", the camera does everything else. Well after looking over her shoulder a bit while she viewed blog after blog, my interest PEEKED.

So I started my own research. First thing on the agenda was which brand to buy.

There are a ton of models of DSLR camera's. Kodak, Sony, Olympus, Pentax and so forth, but the big "Apple" and "Microsoft" of the group would be Canon and Nikon. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the other brands. It's just this -I'm a guy and it matters to me.

So for months we (really me) have researched and stalked a number of models from both Nikon and Canon. I talked to everyone I saw with a camera and went to every store in our area that sold them. What I found is between these two brands it comes down to a personal choice on which brand to go with. It was all about comfort.

From Frugal B

Above are two comparable models, Nikon D3100 and Canon T2i. Notice how button placement is different. Seems small but it was a huge difference maker. Also check weight, imagine holding X lbs around your neck and in your hand for hours and X lbs. Might not be a difference maker but just a thought.So at this point there were many comparables. So I moved to picture quality. Again, not much difference (remember I am a novice) until mirrors, lenses and sensors were explained to me.

This portion was explained to me I am regurgitating

Canon has been one of the leaders in the DSLR camera business because of a small but important part of the camera, called the sensor, to be exact the cmos sensor. Canon had the patent on the sensor until recently, now Nikon uses the same sensor. The mirrors and lenses are great on both the models I was looking at so I was still undecided. UNTIL...I starting pricing.

Everything up to this point is about personal choice. Again I am not a photographer and this is very very new to me so this portion was the driving force. How do I get everything I want, Mrs. Frugal B wants at the best price. To me it is all about getting the best product (Canon or Nikon) for the least amount possible. Now to a pro DSLR's have become much more affordable, but the price was still scary. So we initially purchased the Nikon P100 (top of the line point and shoot), however we were still not happy (so we returned it) and went back to the drawing board. I resumed my stalking, it almost always pays off, and boy did it!

While eating lunch at Costco ($1.50 hot dog & chips) I saw the Nikon D3100. Now this camera was not carried by Costco normally, I literally bumped into a display that had a bunch on it. Price $699 (not for the faint of heart). We had been saving for this purchase and had the $$$ but we try to avoid paying sticker price (bet you thought that term was reserved for cars), not to mention the 24 hour rule (no purchases over $100 without sleeping on it). Then it hit me, hhgregg has a 110% beat the competition policy. So I took the camera box and the Costco ad over to hhgregg along with a 30% off coupon (yes I said coupon). With 40% off the camera price the Nikon D3100 won hands-down.

Not as scientific as you thought.

We purchased the;

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm Zoom VR Lens &

55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR DX Zoom Lens.

DSLR Camera Bag

4gb Memory Card

February 2, 2011


This picture was taken in our back yard by an Ameture Photographer
that I found on Craigslist.

Sometimes when you wonder around on other blogs you find the exact thing that you were looking for, but did not know it. As you have read in this previous post that I have been on the hunt for a affordable and easy to use SLR camera. I have been searching and researching for months now, but have yet to take the plunge for a plethora of reasons. One big reason was I was just OVERWHELMED with all there was to know and learn about the cameras, let alone taking good or great pictures.

I had already decided that when I did shell out all of the $$$ I would be utilizing ThePioneerWomans photography assignments to aide in the learning process. But then I found Me Ra Koh Potography website and Blog, can you say, JACK POT. She is all about empowering Mom's (yes that's me) to pick up a camera. I also found iheartfaces, and what do they have, yep, free tutorials and tips.

Now I just need a camera and some time.