As we continue to look for ways to save $$$ without changing our lifestyle I decided that it is high time we start gardening. Our family loves veggies, broccoli, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, onions, which are just a few of many. And all of which we can plant in our very on small area in our backyard while teaching our four kiddo's all about how things grow.
We decided to use raised planters. While I am sure there are many good reasons to use raised beds, mine are all about aesthetics. Yes I am trying to "decorate" the backyard, lol. We made the raised planter beds following Ana White plans. It was super simple and a great starter project for us.
We did all of this in late July, with the serious purpose of getting them filled with dirt and starting our garden then. Yeah, if you know anything about gardening, our timing was way off. We were too late to start anything we wanted to plant.
Now as we approach the last frost of the season we are filling up the beds with soil. Draining the rain barrel for some fresh water, which was built last summer also. Getting ready to embark on an unknown journey. I am excited about it, while it's a lot of work, I am seriously looking forward to eating the fruits of my labor.
I will keep you posted on what we do, how we do it, what we learn, and if we get anything to grow.